Coordinator of Volunteers
The volunteer will be responsible for coordinating all volunteer activities and assisting in volunteer recruiting.
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Wagon Tour Driver
The volunteer will be responsible for inspecting the tow vehicle and the tour wagon for roadworthiness and proper hitching, checking with the Tour Coordinator for the tour route and road conditions, proper seating and safety of the tour wagon passengers.
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Wagon Tour Narrator or Guided Walk Narrator
The volunteer will be responsible for seeing to the safety of the tour participants, be knowledgeable about the history-topography-wildlife-flora of the island.
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Sea Turtle Patrol
This volunteer will be involved in patrolling the beach of the island to look for turtle “crawls”, nest identification, documenting the nests, protecting the nests, periodically checking nests for activity and predation, and doing inventory/examination of the turtle nests.
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Seasonal Volunteer
The duties of this volunteer will normally be defined by the Refuge Manager. Typically, items such as longer term projects fit into this category.
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Grant Writer
This person will be responsible for researching grant opportunities and submitting the required paperwork.