Sea Turtle Nest
Adopt a Sea Turtle Nest - 2020 Season!
For a tax-deductible donation of $25 to "adopt" a sea turtle nest on the island during our 2019 nesting season, donors will receive:
An “adoption certificate”
A photo of the nest,
A complete activity report at the end of the nesting season.
Recognition in the Friends of St. Vincent NWR Fall newsletter
to show our appreciation of your generous support!
Your $25 donation helps pay for the cost of the wire cages (to protect nests from predators), supplies, and fuel for the patrol vehicles. Your support of this project is greatly appreciated by our volunteers, staff, and the sea turtles!
To participate, please fill out this St. Vincent Sea Turtle Adoption Form, then
you may either send your $25 donation to:
Friends of St. Vincent NWR
c/o Turtle Adoption
PO Box 69
Apalachicola, FL 32329
Or, make your $25 donation via PayPal
For more information on this program email us at: